Bookcub Team
Grace Miles, Mohamed El-Dirany, Alex Vogelsang, Patrick Boroughs
TA: Sotiris Apostolakis
TA: Sotiris Apostolakis
Do you have a bunch of old textbooks lying about your room? Looking for a simple way to buy used books for your Princeton classes? Are you annoyed at trying to find the right textbook on "Free & For Sale" Facebook page only to find it has already been sold?
Welcome to BookCub! Our project is a platform for students to buy and sell textbooks for their classes at Princeton. We hope to offer all students a better way to buy and sell their used textbooks that is straightforward and efficient.
Scroll to the green to see our current focus
Create empty database and link to Django
Import user profiles using CAS Princeton identification
View any data on hosted website
Recognize person that’s logged in
Have page individual listings paged
Basic UI
Flow design/URL
Department/class lists
Have app recognize name to netID
Filter down to specific class numbers for a department
Enable upload of photo to listing
Search functionality
Email script to buy book
Delete listed book once sold
Display uploaded book photos
Update UI to grid view
Add ranking to Database
Show course name with number
Work on rating functionality in the app
Add UI to myProfile page & footers
"About" View
Fix bug in email script to buy book
Add email formatting
Implement cross listed courses
Finish up photos
Add view to display all books for department
Uploading photos
Import cross listings
User testings
UI for multiple books
Look up report examples and start outlining
Change department view (all books)
General Bugfix from Alpha Test
Bugfix from Beta Test, Final touches.
Click below to be redirected to design plan, product guide, and project end report.
Design Doc Product Guide Project Report
Weekly Meeting with TA Sotiris Apostolakis 7:10pm on Thursday's in Princeton CS Building